COVID is Still Here. Get Vaccinated.
January 5, 2022 in News, Public Health
Brought to you by Delaware County Public Health
While we wish we could say we’ve kicked off a new year and kicked COVID out the door, unfortunately that’s not the case. COVID-19 continues to challenge our communities and healthcare systems across Iowa and the nation.
Delaware County Public Health (DCPH), along with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) urge you to please get vaccinated. COVID-19 vaccines are working well to protect against severe illness, hospitalizations, and death. Getting a booster increases your protection from COVID-19, including variants that continue to emerge. The most recent variant, Omicron, spreads more easily than the original virus.
Vaccines are readily available in our community. Visit to find vaccine resources and eligibility information. Following are some upcoming vaccine clinics to highlight:
PEDIATRIC (Ages 5-11) Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics
- Regional Family Health-Manchester will be holding PEDIATRIC (Ages 5-11) Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Walk-In Clinics from 5-6PM on Thursdays through February.
Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine (Ages 12+)
- Delaware County Public Health will be offering Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine (Ages 12+) by appointment only on Tuesdays through February. Call 563-927-7551 to schedule your appointment. DCPH is located in the RMC East Office Building, 613 W Main St in Manchester.
MODERNA BOOST (Ages 18+) COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics:
- Delaware County Public Health is holding a MODERNA BOOST (Ages 18+) COVID-19 Vaccine Walk-In Clinic on Saturday, January 15 from 9-11AM in RMC Veterans Education Center (Level 3). Park in Lot 1, Use Entrance B.
- Regional Family Health-Manchester will be holding MODERNA BOOST (Ages 18+) COVID-19 Vaccine Walk-In Clinics from 5-6PM on Tuesdays through February.
NOTE: You must bring your COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card with you.
There are measures we can take to reduce the spread such as washing our hands frequently, covering our coughs, and staying home when we are sick. However, COVID-19 vaccines remain the best tool to help protect people from COVID-19, slow transmission, and reduce the chance of new variants emerging. Get vaccinated if you haven’t. If you’re fully vaccinated, get a booster when you are eligible.
If you have questions, please contact your healthcare provider, Regional Family Health at 563-927-7777, or Delaware County Public Health at 563-927-7551.