Pet Therapy

Pet Therapy at Regional Medical Center

Animals can help people recover from or better cope with health problems. Regional Medical Center in Manchester is honored to provide pet therapy, upon request, for our inpatients.

Pet Therapy Benefits

  • Pet Therapy is an activity that uses dogs to help patients cope with health issues. This may look different for every patient, whether that be just petting the animal or simply being in the same room.
  • Benefits may include reduction in pain, stress, fatigue and depression.

About Us

  • Jo Schreck, volunteer therapy dog handler brings a Pet Therapy dog to visit patients who are hospitalized.
  • Hector, a golden doodle, is a Certified Therapy dog, providing comfort and enjoyment to anyone who meets him. During visits, Hector will be restrained on a leash and supervised at all times by the handler. Hand hygiene and safety measures are completed between each visit.
  • This service is optional for patients and provided at no cost.
  • Patients need to request pet therapy visit by speaking with their nurse.
Jo Schreck, Volunteer, with Hector, Certified Therapy Dog

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