Medical Records

Your Medical Records at RMC

Your private health records are held safely and confidentially by Regional Medical Center’s Health Information Services Department. Under federal HIPAA regulations, your private health information is protected.


Monday-Friday │ 8AM-4:30PM

  • Clinic Records Fax | 563-927-7660
  • Hospital Records Fax | 563-927-7927

Patient Parking & Entrance

  • Parking Lot 4, Entrance G
  • Stop at the Regional Family Health reception desk and ask to speak with Medical Records

Release of Information Request

HIPAA regulations allow you to review, on request, a copy of your medical record and/or receive a copy of your medical record for reasonable copying charges.

Patient Portal

RMC’s Patient Portal enables you to access some personal health records online.

Medical Treatment Authorization for Minor Form

If you plan to have someone else bring your child in for their appointment, you need to complete this form.