Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Spring Luncheon

Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Spring Luncheon

March 30, 2022 in Auxiliary, News

The Regional Medical Center (RMC) Auxiliary is a dedicated group of individuals in our community that work to help RMC meet its mission and continue to expand the care offered. The Auxiliary promotes wellness, serves as a liaison between RMC and the community, and conducts many fundraising projects to help the hospital in meeting its objectives.

In the past three years, Auxiliary fundraising efforts have provided just over $41,000 to help purchase new couches in the OB & Family Health Department, a defibrillator and AED for the Specialty Clinic in support of cardiac arrest patient care, Lab equipment, a feature wall and satellite radio system in the MRI suite, and a shatter-resistant TV enclosure for the Emergency Department. In addition to these generous gifts, the Auxiliary continues to provide three annual $750 scholarships for local students pursuing or continuing their education in a human healthcare field at an Iowa college.

The upcoming RMC Auxiliary Spring Luncheon is a time to come together to celebrate all the Auxiliary does, enjoy great conversations, and a delicious meal. Attendees can plan to hear from RMC’s Chief Executive Officer, Danette Kramer, and Chief Financial Officer, Nathan Pickel. Entertainment will be provided by Delaware County Master Gardeners, Suzanne Reiter and Barb Recker, as they talk about “Houseplant Favorites and Propagation Tips”.

If you are interested in learning more about the Auxiliary and how you can make a difference, RSVP by April 18th to attend their Spring Luncheon. For $15 per person, enjoy a wonderful meal catered by J&D Mart. The event will be held on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 12PM at The Gathering Place, 1711 N 2nd Street in Manchester.

RSVP to Valerie Lindsay at or 563-927-7534.

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