April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

April 18, 2023 in News, Parent Education & Support

Every year April is designated as Child Abuse Prevention Month. Just as it is important to lay a strong foundation when building a house, likewise, when raising children it is important to nurture a strong environment which a child can depend on. 

Unfortunately, children may be exposed to toxic stress environments which negatively affects their development. This negative environment has the ability to affect future behavior, health and cognitive development. Regional Medical Center (RMC) Parents as Teachers (PAT) recognizes that healthy childhood experiences are not just good for children, but good for the community as well. 

“The actions we take to promote healthy child development are the very actions that help to prevent child abuse and neglect,” shared Kristi Hoefer, RMC Parents as Teachers Supervisor. “Here at PAT we can help educate and support parent-child interaction through reading, constructive play and so much more.” 

Prevent Child Abuse (PCA) Iowa is a nonprofit organization that seeks to ensure parents receive the social support, child care and education they need to be support their children. Delaware County’s PCA council focuses on just that, right here in our own community. Their mission is to help children in our community grow up in an environment where they feel safe, nurtured, supported and stable. 

For more information or to speak with a Parents as Teachers educator with Regional Medical Center, call 563-927-7685.

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