RMC is In-Network with Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Plans

RMC is In-Network with Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Plans

January 5, 2024 in News, Regional Medical Center

Regional Medical Center (RMC) in Manchester continues to be in-network with Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield (BC/BS) health plans.

Recently, RMC was made aware that Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield (BC/BS) mistakenly sent letters to some of their covered members indicating that RMC is no longer in-network with their health plan.

This is not accurate. Please be assured that RMC and Regional Family Health continue to be in-network and do not have any plans of terminating our agreement with BC/BS. If claims are denied for out-of-network, RMC will work directly with Wellmark BC/BS to resolve the claim denial.

Wellmark BC/BS is aware of this error and are actively working to identify the members who have received these letters. They plan to send notices out to these members acknowledging their error and their plans to correct the issue.

If you have any questions, you may contact RMC’s Business Services Department at 563-927-7533 or call Wellmark BC/BS with the phone number listed on your insurance card.

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