Keeping Kids Active During Winter

Keeping Kids Active During Winter

February 5, 2024 in News, Parent Education & Support

Exercise is essential, no matter the season. However, it can be especially difficult to keep your family active during the short, cold winter months. Regional Medical Center (RMC) Parents as Teachers (PAT) shares their tips and ticks on how to keep your family motivated during this last stretch of winter. 

Start with a small movement goal. Busy schedules may limit the amount of time to focus on staying active. We encourage you to aim for 15-20 minutes of movement throughout the day. When it comes to keeping your child(ren) active, incorporating movement into fun games/activities is all you need. 

The RMC PAT educators have put together a list of indoor and outdoor activities that you can do with your child(ren). 

  • Incorporate small dance parties throughout the day. Put on a favorite song and have the kids dance around the room. 
  • Make a nature collage. Have the kids collect rocks, leaves and twigs - then assemble them into a collage as a family. 
  • Build an indoor obstacle course. Use household or garage items to encourage kids to crawl, jump and wiggle their way through the course. 
  • Take family walks or bike rides. As long as you dress for the weather, enjoy the outdoors as a family. 

As the temperatures slowly increase, make sure your child(ren) comes in frequently to trade out wet clothes and warm up. Keep a positive mindset about staying active, especially during the gray, colder days of winter. Physical activity and a dose of outdoors can do wonders for everyone’s physical and mental health. 

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