A Night Out for the Girls is Happening in Manchester

A Night Out for the Girls is Happening in Manchester

April 4, 2024 in News, Radiology

Regional Medical Center (RMC) will be holding their annual “Women’s Night” on Wednesday, May 1st. This is a FREE event for all women in surrounding communities. Ladies are invited to stop by the Delaware County Fairgrounds Pavilion in Manchester starting at 5:30PM. The first hour of the event, attendees can enjoy each other’s company with a cash bar and free appetizers. 

At 6:40PM our speakers will take the stage. Cara Recker, Regional Family Health Dietitian, will give her presentation “Wellness Without Weight” before introducing our keynote speaker, Kathy Bresnahan. Kathy, also known as “Coach Brez” is the author of the book “The Miracle Season.” Coach Brez was the head volleyball coach at Iowa City West High School when their star player tragically died in a moped accident. Kathy will share the story of how that 2011 team persevered through a tremendous loss and beat all odds at securing a state championship. 

It’s a full circle moment as this event is only made possible because of the fundraising efforts of three local volleyball teams; Edgewood-Colesburg, Starmont and West Delaware. This event is open to all women but we personally invite survivors and fighters of breast cancer to promote women’s health and well-being. Come enjoy a free night out. No registration required. If you have any questions, please reach out to Angie Salow at 563-927-7592 or angie.salow@regmedctr.org.

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