RMC Holding Lab Camp for Students

RMC Holding Lab Camp for Students

April 24, 2024 in Laboratory, News

Regional Medical Center (RMC) in Manchester will be holding a Lab Camp, “Without the Lab, They’re Only Guessing!” for students aged 14-18 who have completed 8th grade.

The program will be offered June 10-13 from 9AM-2PM. Students must be available to meet each day for the entire time. Class size is limited. The cost is $25 per student, payable on the first day of camp. Students should bring sack lunches or they can purchase lunch from our public cafeteria. Applications are due by May 13th. Visit regmedctr.org/labcamp to apply for RMC’s Lab Career Camp.

Lab Camp offers many fun activities such as interacting with a simulation manikin, learning routine laboratory techniques, differentiation of blood cells, staining bacteria and collecting culture samples, learning blood types and how to match that blood type to give blood to a patient, how to perform routine urinalysis procedures and even the lab's role in determining the culprit in a mock crime scene investigation.

“We are excited to hold Lab Camp for a 2nd year!. Last year’s Lab Camp was a huge success and the students all had a ton of fun,” said Ann Wilson-Grant, Lab Manager. “By providing this opportunity, we hope to show more students that the Lab is important to the hospital and our community while also inspiring them to pursue a laboratory career.”

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