Back to School Transitions

Back to School Transitions

August 19, 2024 in News, Parent Education & Support

The start of the school year can mean going back to structured programs or school after a long break or going for the very first time. The Regional Medical Center (RMC) Parents as Teachers (PAT) want to help ease that transition by sharing a few actions parents can take to support this transition.

A new start often means lots of changes, new routines and meeting new people. Especially with young children, this transition can be scary and children will often need an ample amount of time to adjust. The first thing parents can do is to talk with their child on what they can expect. If your school allows, take them to visit their new classroom before the first day. Staying calm and reassuring will allow your child to feel safe and protected during this transition. 

Not only does this time affect the emotions of a child, but it surely can affect parents as well. It’s important to take care of yourself, as this time may cause extra stress in your life. Establishing a routine for sleep, travel, pick-up and after school activities will help both the child and parents thrive. 

Looking for more guidance on this topic? The RMC Parents as Teachers program is here for you. Contact us at 563-927-7685 or

If this transition causes severe or persistent anxiety or behavioral problems, please reach out to your primary care provider

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