Public Notice – Request for Construction Manager at Risk Qualifications

Public Notice – Request for Construction Manager at Risk Qualifications

August 5, 2024 in News, Regional Medical Center

Click here to download the Public Notice RFQ

Project Owner: Regional Medical Center
Project Name: Surgical Services Addition & Radiology Renovation
Project Location: 709 West Main Street, Manchester, IA 52057
Delivery Method: Construction Manager at Risk (CMaR)
RFQ Issuance: August 2, 2024
Questions Deadline: August 9, 2024
Qualifications Deadline: August 16, 2024, 2:00 PM CST
Public Opening of RFQ: August 16, 2024, 2:00 PM CST at Regional Medical Center,
Huber Board Room

A. History & Background
Since 1950, Regional Medical Center (RMC) has been committed to area communities, providing quality, personalized care to patients. As a public, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) 25-bed Critical Access Hospital, the revenues go back into the operation of the hospital, enhancing and expanding upon the facilities and staff available to care for patients. Regional Medical Center’s service area reaches seven counties and has approximately 23,000+ in population.

In early 2024, RMC and INVISION Architecture engaged in a process to evaluate the existing conditions of the existing Surgical & Imaging Services and developed a comprehensive solution to meet the long-term goals of each department.

B. Executive Summary
Regional Medical Center (RMC) is seeking statements of qualification for Construction Manager at Risk (CMaR). The request for qualifications is part of a competitive selection process to engage a CMaR firm to provide services for the construction of an addition to the hospital and an interior renovation of the existing hospital. RMC has engaged INVISION Architecture to provide professional services to lead the planning and design of the addition and renovation.

C. Project Overview
The project includes new construction and renovation. The plan includes an approximately 18,500 square feet, one-story addition and partial basement for Surgical Services located on the north end of the hospital campus. The renovation area includes approximately 5,000 square feet on the first floor of the hospital for Imaging Services. Sitework will include the expansion of the existing parking lot on the northwest corner of the hospital campus.

D. Scope of Services
The CMaR along with the Owner, Architect and Engineering teams will be a critical member of the project team, providing services prior to the start of construction though final acceptance and project closeout. The CMaR services are outlined below for preconstruction, construction, and post construction.


The Construction Manager at Rick (CMaR) will provide preconstruction phase
service for the project. The CmaR will assign a team to the project who will be the
same team that will be assigned during the construction phase to work
cooperatively with the Owner and the A/E team. The CMaR team will be
responsible for performing the following duties including, but not limited to, cost
estimating, value management, constructability review, scheduling, and
preconstruction planning throughout the preconstruction phase. The CMaR shall
provide recommendations about accelerated or fast-track scheduling,
procurement, and phased construction. The CMaR will be brought on to the team
midway through the Schematic Design phase.

During the development of the drawings and specification, partially completed
documents shall be provided to the CMaR for pricing check points.

Cost estimation will be required at the following stages of the project:

  1. At completion of the Schematic Design phase to manage scope and cost
    against budget
  2. At completion of the Design Development phase to manage scope and
    cost against budget.
  3. At the point established for Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP), after the
    Design Development phase is complete. See additional information that
  4. Prior to the release of bidding documents as a last check prior to bidding.

The CMaR shall submit to the Owner and A/E their proposed Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) and its qualification and assumptions based upon the documents. The Owner, A/E, and CMaR shall meet to reconcile and questions, discrepancies, or disagreements relating to the GMP and the qualification and assumptions. The project will be an “open-book”, including, but not limited to, bids on all trade packages, general conditions, and fees. The CMaR shall then submit to the Owner, for approval, the CMaR’s proposed final GMP based upon the documents including the approved qualification and assumptions. Contingent upon the Owner’s approval for the final GMP, the parties will execute an amendment to the CmaR agreement establishing the GMP.


The CMaR will establish and implement procedures for the bidding process
including the development of bid packages, distribution of bid documents, the
issuance of addenda, the holding of pre-bid conference, the receipt of bid, and
the bidding schedule. The CMaR shall adhere to Iowa statutes regarding
qualification, selection, and award of contract for public work. Reference Iowa
Senate File 183 directly in addition to other public bidding laws.

The CMaR will identify potential contractors and suppliers, develop their interest
in bidding on the project to ensure a competitive bidding environment, and
determine their ability to meet project requirements.

The CMaR will develop a construction schedule that meets the needs of the
Owner for inclusion in the contract documents. The CMaR, in consultation with
the Owner and Architect, will schedule, organize, and conduct pre-bid conference
in a manner consistent with the bid schedule.


The CmaR shall construct the project pursuant to the construction documents
and in accordance with the schedule requirements. The CMaR shall hold all
subcontract and shall be fully responsible for the means and methods of
construction, project safety, project completion within the schedule agreed upon
in the preconstruction phase, compliance with all applicable laws and regulations
including monitoring compliance with all diversity participation, equal
employment, and prevailing wage requirements, and submitting monthly reports
of these activated to the Owner.


The CMaR shall collect all as-built drawings from vendors and consultants and
approved by the Architect. The CMaR will also collect and categorize all warranty
and maintenance manuals, certify all vendor bills after collecting all documents,
prepare the completion certificate based on all documents and drawings, and
assist in submitting all occupancy documents to relevant governing bodies. The
CMaR will also assist in facilitating/requiring training sessions for appropriate
employees regarding the operation and maintenance of technical equipment,
provide follow-up and call back services for the duration of the longest warranty
period covered by a contractor on the project and conduct a post-occupancy
walk-through appropriately times to address project issues prior to expiration of
applicable warranties.

E. Anticipated CMaR Selection Schedule

Public Notice of RFQ July 18, 2024
Issuance of RFQAugust 2, 2024
RFQ Questions DueAugust 9, 2024
Qualification Statements DueAugust 16, 2024, 2:00 PM CST
Public Opening of RFQ submissionsAugust 16, 2024, 2:00 PM CST
RFQ Results AnnouncedAugust 22, 2024*
RFP Issued to Qualified CandidatesAugust 23, 2024*
Mandatory CMaR Site WalkAugust 29, 2024*
RFP Reponses DueSeptember 9, 2024, 2:00 CST*
Selection Committee Interviews September 16 & 17, 2024*
Notification of Selected CMaR Selection September 24, 2024*
*Subject to change

F. Anticipated Costs
The anticipate cost for Construction is $18M. The total cost of the project is estimated at $26.5M.

G. Proposed Project Schedule

Schematic Designcomplete approx. November 1, 2024
Design Developmentcomplete approx. January 17, 2025
GMP PricingFebruary 17 – March 14, 2025
Construction Documents for Biddingcomplete approx. April 11, 2025
BiddingMay 2025
ConstructionJune 2025 – December 2026

H. Qualification Content
To facilitate the review of the anticipated responses, each candidate firm shall submit its information electronically in PDF format. It must be submitted by email, or a secure document transfer site. Document formatting shall be standard letter size, 8 ½” x 11” pages. The proposal shall not exceed 20 total sheets (cover, cover letter, table of contents, and page headers excluded from the quantity). All content pages shall be consecutively numbered. The submitted response shall address the following specific criteria and present the information in the order identified below.

Section 1.0 – Firm Profile and Background

  1. Firm – Inditify the firm’s name and the address of its principal office and
    any branch offices, and a brief history of the firm. If the firm has more than
    one office, specify which office will be responsible for the completed
    project (the “Contact Office”).
  2. Organization – Specify the type of organization (partnership, corporation
    or other) and the year established. State the number of years the firm has
    been involved in ongoing work in the vicinity of the project.
  3. Volume – Provide a statement indicating the annual volume of completed
    healthcare construction in the last five years as well as present and
    projected work. Indicate the specific extent of the Contact Office’s
    involvement (prime contractor, joint venture partner, subcontractor, other).
  4. Values – Provide a description of the firm’s core values, philosophy, and
    mission statement.

Section 2.0 – Project Experience, Qualifications, and References
A. Applicable Project List – Provide the following information for a minimum of five (5) healthcare projects completed by the Contact Office that are similar in size
and scope to the proposed project. Please include the following information for
each project separately.

B. Include the following information:

  1. Building name and address.
  2. Building Owner and Architect, contact names and telephone numbers
  3. Project type and size.
  4. Scope of service performed on the project, including any pre-construction
  5. List original construction contract cost and final project cost. Describe key
    cost management challenges and how you dealt with them.
  6. Construction duration and date of completion. Indicate key scheduling
    challenges and how they were overcome.
  7. Indicate the names of your Project Manager and Superintendent.
  8. Indicate what percentage of the work was accomplished with your own
    forced and in what trades. Note that retention of all trades will follow
    qualification and bidding requirements under Iowa Code Ch. 26A. Selfperformance
    of work by the CMaR is allowable under Iowa law in certain

Section 3.0 – Insurance & Litigation
A. Indicate your insurance coverage limits.

B. Provide your current and historic (3 prior years) general liability insurance cost on a cost / $ thousand basis.

C. Litigation – Provide a list of any litigation filed by or against the company in the last ten years and state the nature and outcome of the litigation.

Section 4.0 – Project Team
A. List specific personnel proposed for the project team. Provide a narrative or
organization chart to indicate the project assignment, role, or area of responsibility of

B. Provide a resume for each proposed team member listing years of experience,
relevant experience and qualifications. Also state the current assignment and
commitments for the proposed personnel. Include a reference.

Section 5.0 – Management Process
A. How will your team ensure that the project will remain on schedule?

B. Describe your communication plan with the Project Team. How will your
communication plan ensure timely responses to issues as they arise during
preconstruction and during construction?

C. Indicate how you will assure the Owner that the proposed team members will
dedicate the proper amount of time to this project and will not be reassigned to
another project.

D. Indicate a response plan and timeline for urgent Owner project situations.

E. Describe your Safety Record & Internal Safety Program.

Section 6.0 – Differentiation
A. Specifically indicate how your firms experience, approach, or process differentiates your firm from other CMaR firms.

B. Indicate why you are interested in this project and have the motivation to provide exceptional service.

C. How will your firm encourage participation by local subcontractors and suppliers?

I. Selection Criteria
Selection of the successful CMaR firm will be made based on:

  1. Responsiveness to this RFQ including completeness of the requested
  2. Rating of Qualification content by a group of representatives selected by
    Regional Medical Center.
  3. CMaR scoring in the top 60% of the RFQ criteria applied to a weighted
    matrix will be considered to receive the subsequent proposal.

This RFQ sets forth the intent of Regional Medical Center as to the procedure and
criteria by which the construction management firm will be offered the opportunity to respond to the addition and renovation RFP.

Except as required by statue, Regional Medical Center reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify this procedure and criteria to select a short list of potential candidates. Reginal Medical Center reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to have any candidate firm clarify or supplement its submittal, including make such request through direct contact with the Candidate firm. RMC may hold discussions with individual firms to explore further the firms statement of qualifications. Any attempt to influence any member of RMC regarding this RFQ prior to the selection will be grounds for disqualification.

J. Submission Instructions
Please submit one (1) electronic copy via email or secure file transfer to the addresses listed below by the deadline stated. Electronic submittals must be combined into one PDF file. Please keep submission under 20 mb.

The subject line in the email & fille name should be RMC RFQ CMaR Submission – Firm Name to ensure that the submission is clearly identified upon receipt.

Kristina Mehmen, Architect
INVISION Architecture

Jeremy Meyer, Facilities Manager

K. Other Instructions
Candidate firms are not to rely on any oral instructions or answers. Questions shall be submitted prior to the Questions Deadline outlined above. Questions may be submitted by email in writing to Kristina Mehmen, AIA, ACHA at the above email address.

Any questions will be collected, responded to, and issued by Addendum after the
Questions Deadline. Oral responses affecting the information provided by the Candidate firm in its submittal will not be binding on Regional Medical Center, its employees, agents, or representatives.

  1. The hospital campus is open to the public, access to the interior of the building is
    not permitted.
  2. RMC reserves the right to reject any or all RFQ responses and to exercise its
    discretion and apply its judgement with respect to any aspect of this request and the evaluation pf responses. The construction management firms whose
    submittals are not accepted with be notified.
  3. By submission of a RFQ response, Consultant agrees to preserve the confidentiality of information of the Owner used by the consultant or to which it shall be granted access for purposes of preparing the response or in performance of work pursuant to any selection resulting from the response. Such information regarding the Owner shall be protected from disclosure by the consultant and access thereto, limited to the consultant or those having a need therefore in performance of services to the Owner. Such information may not be disclosed to any other persons, or entities whatsoever without prior written consent of the Owner or unless such information shall become generally available, without fault of the consultant.
  4. RMC assumes no responsibility, and no liability, for costs incurred in the
    preparation or submission of any RFQ response.
  5. If provided by the Owner, any provided documents are complimentary. They are provided for use in preparing a response for the requested service only. RMC cannot guarantee their accuracy.

L. Attachments

  1. Selection Criteria Weighted Matrix Scorecard
  2. Draft Site Plan