Apply for the RMC Auxiliary Healthcare Career Scholarship

Apply for the RMC Auxiliary Healthcare Career Scholarship

December 1, 2023 in Auxiliary, News

Every year the Regional Medical Center (RMC) Auxiliary awards three $750 scholarships to area students pursuing an education in the human medical field. These scholarships are made possible by donations to the Tree of Lights.

Anyone pursuing or continuing their education in the healthcare field at an Iowa college should apply today at Eligible applicants include area high school seniors, students in post-secondary education and those currently in the workforce who have enrolled and been accepted in a human medical field of study at an Iowa college for the 2024-2025 year.

Completed applications and references must be postmarked by February 29, 2024.

On behalf of the RMC Auxiliary, thank you to those who continue to support the Tree of Lights scholarship program by giving in honor of and memory of their loved ones. If you are interested in donating or learning more about the Tree of Lights, visit

Questions? Please contact Valerie Lindsay at 563-927-7534 or

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