Ries Receives Iowa Hospital Education and Research Foundation Scholarship

Ries Receives Iowa Hospital Education and Research Foundation Scholarship

May 15, 2024 in News, Regional Medical Center

Leah Ries, an employee at Regional Medical Center (RMC) who is studying for a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Allen College, has been awarded a $3,000 scholarship from the Iowa Hospital Education and Research Foundation (IHERF). She is among 60 outstanding students from across the state who received assistance this year from IHERF Health Care Careers Scholarship Program. 

IHERF’s scholarship program offers financial support to Iowa students seeking healthcare education or training. In exchange for this financial support, each recipient must commit to working one year in an Iowa hospital for each year of the scholarship award. These scholarships have supported higher education for more than 700 Iowa college students. 

“We were extremely proud to present this scholarship to Leah during her shift on our Medical/Surgical unit,” shared Danette Kramer, RMC Chief Executive Officer. “We are grateful to IHERF for making the award available and congratulate Leah on her tremendous accomplishment.” 

IHERF is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Iowa Hospital Association. IHERF is a charitable nonprofit and exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code.

Pictured: Sarah Dunne (MedSurg/ICU Assistant Manager), Leah Ries, Danette Kramer 

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