RMC Auxiliary Continues to Give Back

RMC Auxiliary Continues to Give Back

July 3, 2024 in Auxiliary, Laboratory, News, Surgical Services

Donates $17,326.19 Towards New Equipment

The Regional Medical Center (RMC) Auxiliary continues to give back to our hospital. This fiscal year they graciously donated $17,326.19 towards equipment needs.

Anesthesia Department: The Anesthesia Department received $5,000 to put towards the purchase of a new Transducer Probe. This portable equipment is used multiple times a day for many of the procedures anesthesia performs, including pain management interventions.

Surgical Services Department: The Surgical Services Department received $5,000 to put towards the purchase of a new patient stretcher/bed. These stretchers are used to safely transport patients to and from the operative area.

Laboratory Department: The Laboratory Department received $7,326.19 to purchase a new lab chemistry reagent refrigerator. This refrigerator is vital to the operations of the lab as it stores supplies for the chemistry reagent machine. This machine can run up to 55 different tests to help diagnose medical conditions.

“These donations make a real difference in the lives of others and we are forever grateful for this dedicated group of volunteers and all they do for our patients, staff, facility and community,” shared Valerie Lindsay, Marketing and Fund Development Manager.

Donated Stretcher & Transducer Probe: Auxiliary Executive Committee with Kaleena Bettmeng, Surgical Services Manager
L-R: Charlotte Emerson, Diane Childs, Donna Weaver, Kaleena Bettmeng, Pat Becker, Carol McWilliams
Donated Lab Chemistry Reagent Refrigerator: Auxiliary Executive Committee
L-R: Donna Weaver, Carol McWilliams, Diane Childs, Pat Becker, Charlotte Emerson