New OB & Family Practice Provider Joins Regional Family Health

New OB & Family Practice Provider Joins Regional Family Health

September 30, 2024 in News

Dr. Andrew Pepper has joined the Regional Family Health team in both the Manchester (Team III) and Edgewood clinics. 

Dr. Pepper is a family physician originally from Northwest Illinois. He and his wife, 1-year-old daughter, golden retriever Murphy and cat Reeses are looking forward to making new connections with the community and exploring the outdoors. 

In 2021, Dr. Pepper graduated from Marian University. He then completed his residency in 2024 at the Indiana University Health Ball Memorial Hospital in Muncie, Indiana. “I knew I wanted to practice broad spectrum family medicine with surgical obstetrics in a small town. Regional Medical Center stood out to me,” shared Andrew Pepper, Do. “The physician and leadership team showed they were committed to the hospital and community in a way that I had not seen at other organizations.” 

Not only will he be available for families but expecting mothers as well. “For me, the most rewarding time is taking care of a postpartum mom and her newborn. It’s such an honor to be part of that magical time after caring for her through pregnancy and the labor process,” expressed Dr. Pepper. 

The entire Regional Family Health and Regional Medical Center team are thrilled to have him part of the team. We are confident he will provide outstanding care to the communities we serve. He is accepting new patients! Call Regional Family Health at 563-927-7777 (Manchester) or 563-928-7191 (Edgewood) to get on his schedule. 

Pictured: Dr. Andrew Pepper & Abigail Funke

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