Lab Camp: Without the Lab, They’re Only Guessing!

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Lab Camp: Without the Lab, They’re Only Guessing!

Jun 12, 2023 @ 9:00 am 2:00 pm

Regional Medical Center (RMC) is excited to be able to offer a Laboratory Career Camp, “Future Laboratory Professionals: Without the Lab, They’re Only Guessing!” for students (ages 14-18; must have finished 8th grade). This camp offers a unique opportunity to learn about a laboratory career through interactive presentations and hands-on learning.

Activities include interacting with a simulation manikin to learn how to draw blood samples from a patient, learning routine laboratory techniques such as pipetting, differentiation of blood cells, staining bacteria and collecting culture samples. Learning blood types and how to match that blood type to give blood to a patient, how to perform routine urinalysis procedures and even the lab’s role in determining the culprit in a mock crime scene investigation are included.

The 4-day program will be offered June 12-15 from 9AM-2PM. Bring sack lunches or students can purchase lunch from our public cafeteria. Students MUST be available to meet each day for the entire time. Class size is limited. The cost is $25 per student, payable on the first day of camp to RMC.

$25 per student
709 West Main Street
Manchester, IA 52057 United States
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