RMC Receives Grants in Support of Lab & Nurse Camps

RMC Receives Grants in Support of Lab & Nurse Camps

May 3, 2023 in Fund Development, Laboratory, News, Regional Medical Center

Regional Medical Center (RMC) graciously accepted two grants on Tuesday, May 2nd from the Foundation for the Future of Delaware County. The RMC Lab Department was awarded $1,750 towards the new Lab Career Camp taking place in June. The RMC Nursing Education Department received $1,000 towards the established Nurse Career Camp being held in July.

Both camps are geared towards offering unique opportunities for our area youth to learn about healthcare careers. The camps are very interactive with hands-on activities. “On behalf of our entire team at Regional Medical Center, thank you for continuing to invest in our community and our youth,” shared Amy Mensen, RMC Chief Operations Officer. “These grants will help us to offer great programming for our area students interested in healthcare careers.”

If you want to learn more about the Lab Camp visit regmedctr.org/labcamp or the Nurse Camp at regmedctr.org/nursecamp.

PICTURED L-R: Ann Wilson-Grant, Lynne Majetic